Home of the

Tiny Raptors

53 Breeds

The American Poultry Association recognizes 53 large chicken breeds, but nobody really knows how many breeds exist


 The average number of eggs the average person consumes per year

25 hours

is how long it takes for a hen to make a single egg

Some of Our Flock


Silkies are a unique breed of chicken that have fur-like feathers and bright blue ear lobes.

Rhode Island Reds

Rhode Island Reds are known for their brown eggs and to be heavy layers.


The Ameraucana is a highly popular breed, known for their blue eggs.

Why Chickens?

Even though chickens are the closest ancestor to dinosaurs, they are a very kind, gentle and rewarding breed. Chickens are very adaptable and self-sufficient. They are fascinating birds who enjoy exploring and playing which can be a therapeutic experience for many.

Contact Us

Fresh eggs are always available to buy!